Máy điện trở tiếp xúc SKB EP MIKO-2.3 (1000A)

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Dùng để đo điện trở tiếp xúc máy cắt, điện trở cuộn dây máy biến áp....
- Chế độ đo micro ôm
+ Dải đo, µOhm: 0.1 ÷ 100,000
+ Sai số tối đa %: ±0.2
+ Dải đo cường độ dòng điện trong quá trình đo điện trở "CT (Biến dòng)- có sẵn" và "CT-không có sẵn" , А: 10 ÷ 900
+ Dải đo cường độ dòng điện trong quá trình đo điện trở "CT-có sẵnТmax" submode, А: 100 ÷ 400
+ Thời gian max của 1 phép đo "CT- không có sẵn", sec: 2
+ Thời gian max của 1 phép đo "CT-có sẵn" submode, sec: 30
+ Thời gian max của 1 phép đo "CT-có sẵn Тmax", sec: 20
- Chế độ đo mili ôm
+ Đo điện trở mOhm 0.1 ÷ 1,000,000
+ Sái số tương đối, %: ±0.2
+ Đo cường độ dòng điện trong quá trình đo điện trở, А: 0.5 ÷ 5
+ Thời gian phép đo, sec: 10 ÷ 900
- Chế độ đo kilo ôm
+ Dải đo, kOhm: 0.1 ÷ 300
+ Sai số lớn nhất, % ±0.5
+ Giá trị của điện áp cảm ứng trên các điện trở, kV: ≤ 5
+ Thời gian max của 1 phép đo, sec: 3
- Chế độ đo nhiệt độ
+ Dải đo, °С: -20 ÷ +120
+ Sai số tối đa °С: ±1.0
Maximum accumulator charge time, min 5
- Công suất tiêu thụ, W: 60
- Nhiệt độ hoạt động, ºС: -20 ÷ +40
- Trọng lượng, kg: 2.7
- Kích thước, mm: 150х190х75
- Giao diện: English
- HDSD tEnglish
- Chu kỳ hiệu chuẩn 1 năm
- Cung cấp kèm theo:
+ HDSD tiếng anh
+ Cáp K162 (2.3 m + 1.1m) kèm đầu kẹp- Dùng để đo điện trở micro ôm của máy cắt cao áp trong dầu (kiểu U-110; MKP-110; VMT-110), Máy cắt không khí (kiểu ВВОА-15), máy cắt cao áp trong khí cách điện (kiểu VGU-220; VGV-110; ZAR1DT-145; ZNM428; VGBU-110; VGB-330)
+ Cáp K233- Dùng để đo điện trở mili ôm của cuộn dây máy biến áp có điện áp dưới 110kV
- Cáp K322 dùng để đo điện trở ki lô ôm
- Cáp đo nhiệt độ K411
- Cáp RS232
- Túi đựng máy
- Túi đựng cáp
- Cáp và phụ kiện khác (option)
Chi tiết
Operates in 4 modes: microohmmeter, milliohmmeter, kiloohmmeter and thermometer
MIKO-2.3 is a portable mini-laboratory allowing performing of all tasks connected with resistance measurement in electrical equipment as this instrument operates in four modes: microohmmeter, milliohmmeter, kiloohmmeter and thermometer.
Multipurpose instrument performing all tasks regarding resistance measurement in high-voltage equipment
All types of electrical equipment (transformers, electrical machines and electrical switching devices) require different means for full-rate diagnostics. However in case of direct-current resistance measurement the multipurpose instrument MIKO-2.3 can be used.
Resistance range for the above listed equipment is wide and resides within the values from 10-3 to 600А and more.
For monitoring of a transformer or a sole circuit-breaker, for instance, a microohmmeter, milliohmmeter, thermometer and even kiloohmeter are needed. It means that you have to use three or even four instruments one at a time which is not usually convenient. Increasing of the number of instruments increases not only the total cost of a set, but also its weight which complicates transportation of equipment to remote facilities.
"Microohmeter" mode: contact resistance measuring at the maximum current of 1,000 А in the range within 1 µOhm ÷ 105 µOhm
This mode is designed for measuring transfer resistances of any switching devices as well as of demountable and nondemountable contact connections in the range within 1 µOhm ÷ 105 µOhm. Moreover, this mode allows considering the availability or absence of current in the measured circuit of transformer.
When measuring transfer resistances of contacts and connections questions regarding the strength of the measuring current arise as in case of dry contacts the result of measurement will be falsely high. That is why the main requirements to microohmeters are the following: provision of quite heavy operating current which allows burning of acidified film forming on contacts and giving significant error at resistance measuring.
MIKO-2.3 surpasses all foreign- and home-produced microohmmeters. The closest foreign analogue microohmeter with the current of 500A has the weight of 7.5 kg and mains supply. At the same time MIKO-2.3 with its weight of only 2.7 kg produces current of 1,000А. It is particularly true about dead-tank circuit breakers of MKP and U type, the contact circuit of which contains up to eight series-connected arcing contacts and two main contacts which means that they are more sensitive to corrosion and repair labour input is bigger due to the great amount of oil in the tank.
MIKO-2.3 complies with the international standard IEC 60694 "Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear standards" (International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)), specifying current strength for microohmmeters from 50А to the nominal current of the measured item which excludes erroneous diagnostics results.
The instrument has an archive for storing the results of measurements in "microohmmeter" mode; meant for storing of 62 measuring results. For each measurement the value of resistance, current strength and measurement date/time are stored in the archive.
Data transmission to the computer and filing of measurement results is performed with the help of a special program developed by the manufacturer.
"Milliohmmeter" mode: measuring winding resistance within the range of 0.1 mOhm-106 mOhm
It is designed for measurement of direct-current resistance in circuits with high inductance (transformers, electromagnets etc.) within the range of 0.1 mOhm-106 mOhm.
Two submodes are used here: measurement of one-phase and three-phase windings. Besides, MIKO-2.3 has a function of automatic recalculation of resistance measurement results for a three-phase winding:
calculation of relative deviations of resistance values of moving coils between each other;
recalculation of resistance values of moving coils connected according to the triangle scheme into resistance values of phase windings;
recalculation of resistance values of moving coils connected according to the star scheme into resistance values of phase windings;
recalculation of a winding resistance measured at current temperature T into resistance at base temperature Ɵ with due account for the winding material.
The appliance has an archive for storage of results of changing the "milliohmmeter" mode that allows for storing and reading 63 results for electrical resistance of one-phase windings and 21 result for three-phase windings.
A special program by the manufacturer is used for transmission of data to a computer and for keeping archive records of measurements on a PC.
"Kiloohmmeter" mode: measurement of resitance within the range of 0.1 kOhm-3*102 kOhm
It is designed for measurement of resistance of potential dividers, ballast, closing and other resistors in terms of considerable interference and induced voltage within the range of 0.1 kOhm-3*102 kOhm.
"Thermometer" mode: measurement of temperatures of windings, oil and air within the range of -20°C to +120°C
It is designed for measurement of temperatures of windings, oil and air within the range of -20°C to +120°C.
Automatic self-tuning for the object measured
Switching on each of four modes occurs automatically when appropriate input cable from the instrument set is connected.
Self-contained power supply, small dimensions and weight
Versatility and weight of the appliance are especially critical for organizations responsible for facility commissioning that have to constantly carry heavy weights of instruments and equipment for significant distances.
Light weight and self-contained supply (charge time is 3 to 5 min) give an opportunity to use MIKO-2.3 not while standing on ground, but while being on a switch cover or in a cradle scaffold. That is why the length and weight of cables of MIKO-2.3 are significantly lesser, and one can go down and up the equipment only once instead of two times in case of measurement with a ground-based appliance.
MIKO-2.3 instrument is easy to use and maintain, reliable and resistant to electromagnetic field influence.
Measuring cables of unique and ergonomic design
MIKO-2.3 input cables are equipped with clamps of "alligator clip with ground clamp" type of unique design that has no analogues by other manufacturers of instruments. This design ensures quick and faultless connection to an object that excludes errors of measurement of small resistance values, and ensures reliable contact even in case of oxygenated surfaces of an object.
Besides, there is an option of a four-clamp connection of the instrument cables to circuit-breaker bushings and to transformers through remote potential contacts.
"Microohmeter" mode:
Electric resistance measuring range, µOhm
0.1 ÷ 100,000
Maximum permissible intrinsic relative error of electric resistance measurement, %
Measuring current intensity range during electric resistance measurement in "CT (current transformer)-available" and "CT-not available" submodes, А
10 ÷ 900
Measuring current intensity range during electric resistance measurement in "CT-available Тmax" submode, А
100 ÷ 400
Maximum time of one measurement in "CT-not available" submode, sec
Maximum time of one measurement in "CT-available" submode, sec
Maximum time of one measurement in "CT-available Тmax" submode, sec
"Milliohmmeter" mode:
Electric resistance measuring range, mOhm
0.1 ÷ 1,000,000
Maximum permissible intrinsic relative error of electric resistance measurement, %
Measuring current intensity range during electric resistance measurement, А
0.5 ÷ 5
One measurement time, sec
10 ÷ 900
"Kiloohmmeter" mode:
Electric resistance measuring mode, kOhm
0.1 ÷ 300
Maximum permissible intrinsic relative error of electric resistance measurement, %
Value of induced voltage across the resistor, kV
≤ 5
Maximum time of one measurement, sec
"Thermometer" mode:
Temperature measuring range, °С
-20 ÷ +120
Maximum permissible intrinsic absolute error of temperature measurement, °С
Maximum accumulator charge time, min
Maximum power consumed in the power circuit, W
Operation temperature range, ºС
-20 ÷ +40
Maximum measuring unit weight, kg
Dimensions, mm
Interface language
User manuals language
Calibration period, year
Standard complete set
Photo Item, Index Application
MIKO-2.3 measuring unit SKB025.01.00.000 The instrument and accompanying documents: calibration certificate, operation manual and record book.
3U-1A charging device SKB023.20.00.000 For charging of the accumulator during measurement of resistance on electric equipment.
K162 microohmmeter cable SKB023.02.00.000-01 For measurement of resistance of oil (U-110; MKP-110; VMT-110 types), air (ВВОА-15 type) and gas-insulated high-voltage circuit breakers (VGU-220; VGV-110; ZAR1DT-145; ZNM428; VGBU-110; VGB-330 types). Clamps of "alligator clip + ground clamp" type (length 2.3 m + 1.1 m).
Potential spring-loaded contact (2 pcs.) SKB023.21.00.000/-01 For connection to the input pin. Included into the complete set of the K162 measuring cable.
Potential pin contact (2 pcs.) SKB023.22.00.000/-01 For connection to the input pin. Included into the complete set of the K162 measuring cable.
K233 milliohmmeter cable SKB023.07.00.000-02 For measurement of resistance of power transformer windings with the voltage of 110 kV and less under direct current. Input pin diameter is up to 37 mm (length 6.0 m + 2.0 m).
K322 kiloohmmeter cable SKB023.06.00.000-01 For measurement of multiplier, shunt and dividing resistances in case of presence of induced voltage for them (length 3.4 m + 2.1 m).
Thermometer with K411 cable SKB023.08.00.000 For measurement of oil, water and air temperature (length 1.8 m).
RS-232 interface cable SKB023.11.00.000 For transmission of measurement results to a computer as well as for control of the instrument via a PC (length 1.5 m).
Mains extension cable SKB023.16.00.000 For connection of the charging device when placing the instrument on the input of the high-voltage circuit breaker.
<img width="120" height="120" alt="Test shunt 75ШСМ МЗ-0,5" src="http://skbpribor.com/upload/resiz