Máy đo độ ồn chống nước ACO 6226NW

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  • Thông tin hãng sản xuất
Chi tiết sản phẩm
Đo mức % (Lx) – lựa chọn 5 giá trị
Đo trung bình liên tục mức áp suất âm thanh Leq
Dải tuyến tính rộng 100 dB
Trang bị cổng giao diện RS232, cho phép chuyển dữ liệu qua PC
Trang bị bộ nhớ lưu trữ 15.000 bits dữ liệu
Màn hình hiển thị LCD dễ dàng quan sát
Áp dụng các tiêu chuẩn :
JIS C 1502
IEC 651・804Type2
Các chức năng đo:
Lp: cấp độ áp lực âm thanh
Leq: Mức áp suất âm thanh
Le: âm thanh xúc cấp
Lmax: cấp độ âm thanh tối đa
Lmin: cấp độ âm thanh tối thiểu
LX: Cáp % (5 giá trị lựa chọn)
Lpeak: Waveform đỉnh giữ
Mức đo cực đại: 137 dB rms, 130 dB tại c.f.3
Đầu Microphone: 1/2 Electret condenser microphone
Dải đo:
28dB ÷ 130dB (A)
33dB ÷ 130dB (C)
38dB ÷ 130dB (F)
Thời gian đáp ứng : nhanh / chậm
Màn hình LCD:
Hiển thị số 4 digit, khoảng thời gian 1s
Thanh hiển thị, khoảng thời gian 1s
Nguồn cấp: 04 Pin 1.5V alkaline loại IEC type LR6, lựa chọn thêm bộ AC adapter
Kích thước : 85 (W) x284 (H) x48 (D)mm
Nhiệt độ vận hành: -10℃~+50℃
Độ ẩm: không giới hạn
Trọng lượng : 420g
Chi tiết
Product Outline
Our new product TYPE 6226NW is a "waterproof sound level meter" with included extension cable, realized by particular kind of waterproof technology newly developed.
It guarantees trouble-free measurement even under rainy condition.

New development
Dedicated waterproof microphone
Due to the function of special filter which lets air and sound through preventing water from coming in, it allows to continue the measurement despite of drops of water on the top of the microphones after they are dried up.
The diaphragm or preamplifier would never be waterlogged or rust out.

They can be used outdoor.
・ Outdoor noise measurement under the condition of rainfall.
(Aircraft noise, traffic noise, environmental noise)
・ Outdoor measurement of noise of running vehicle and measurement of engine room noise.
・ Noise level measurement in factories with steam generation
・ Environmental noise measurement at an indoor swimming pool or an aquarium.
・ Measurement of leisure cruiser noise or motorboat noise.

Measurement fruquency range
TYPE 6226NW is provided with newly developed waterproof
electret condenser microphone TYPE 7052NW, composed of
time-tested high precision electret condenser microphone
TYPE 7052 equipped with specified waterproofed grid.

The measurement frequency range is 20Hz~10kHz

TYPE 6226NW is conformed to JIS C 1502, and IEC 651・804 Type2.
The measurement frequency range of "sound level meter" specified in
JIS C 1502 is 20Hz~8kHz.

Linearity range
Linearity range is 100dB.
Extended range has made the setup of sound level meter quite easy.

Measurement items
A-weighted sound pressure level(LA)
The LA Measurement is made by selecting dynamic characteristics
"FAST"or "SLOW", and frequency characteristics "A".

The instantaneous sound level is displayed on the screen.
Numerical display is updated for "every second" and bar display
"every 0.1 second".

Sound pressure level(LC/LF)
The LC/LF Measurement is made by selecting dynamic characteristics
"FAST" or "SLOW", and frequency characteristics "C" or "F".

The instantaneous sound level is displayed on the screen.
Numerical display is updated for "every second" and bar display
"every 0.1 second".

Equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level(LAeq)
The LAeq is Measurement is made by selecting dynamic characteristics
"FAST" or "SLOW", and frequency characteristics "A".
Measuring time can be chosen from
1 second, 3 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes,
10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 8 hours, and 24 hours.
Manual measurement is also possible.
During measurement, if the "Pause" button is pushed, the data for
3 last seconds or 5 seconds can also be deleted.

The progress value of LAeq is displayed on a display.
Percentile sound pressure level(LX)
Preparations of a noise level and an equivalent noise level are made.
「Start」KEY is pushed.

Percentile sound pressure level (L05, L10, L50, L90, L95),
Sound exposure level (LAe),a A-weighted sound pressure level (LA),
an equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level (LAeq),
Maximum sound pressure level (Lmax), and minimum sound pressure
level (Lmin) are simultaneously measurable.

Data saving and PC communixation function
Memory function
Approx.10,000 samples : 1000 sets of results.

Calendar function
Built-in clock and calendar function installed.

Output signal
Provided with AC and DC signal output.
DAT recorder and level recorder can be connected.

The data recorded in the memory can be printed out by connecting a dedicated printer.

PC communication function
RS-232C function is equipped.
The data recorded in the memory can be transferred to PC in real time even under
the measurement.

Data communication is possible with all kind of computers with RS-232C function.

Operation panel

Operation panel

Outside carrying case
Inside carrying case