Máy hiện sóng PC Pico 6402D (250Mhz, 4 kênh)

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Chi tiết sản phẩm
Dải tần: 250Mhz
Số kênh: 4
Tốc độ xử lý: 1.4 ns (50 mV range 1.8 ns)
Độ nhạy: 10 mV/div to 4 V/div at x1 zoom (1 MΩ input),
10 mV/div to 1 V/div at x1 zoom (50 Ω input)
Đặc tính đầu vào: 1 MΩ ± 1% ∥ 15 pF, or 50 Ω ± 2%
Độ chính xác DC: 3% of full scale
Bảo vệ quá tải
Nhiễu gợn: 200 μV RMS (50 mV range)
Timebase ranges :1 ns/div to 5000 s/div (real-time sampling)
50 ps/div to 100 ns/div (equivalent-time sampling / ETS)
Tốc độ xử lý: 1 kênh 5 GS/s
2 kênh 2.5 GS/s
4 kênh 1.25 GS/s
Kích thước bộ đệm: 512 MS
Tốc độ xử lý: 200MS/S
Triggering: None, single, repeat, auto, rapid (segmented memory), ETS
trigger types: Edge, pulse width, window, window pulse width, dropout, window dropout, level, interval, logic level, runt pulse
Tín hiệu chuẩn đầu ra: Sine, square, triangle, DC
Ramp, sinc, Gaussian, half-sine, white noise, PRBS
Độ phân giải đầu ra: < 0.05 Hz
Điện áp ra: ±2 V (4 V max. p-p)
Độ chính xác DC: ±1% of full scale
Chế độ Sweep: Up, down, or dual, with selectable start/stop frequencies and increments
- Chế độ phân tích phổ
Dải tần DC: 250Mhz
- Chức năng tính toán: −x, x+y, x−y, x*y, x/y, x^y, sqrt, exp, ln, log, abs, norm, sign, sin, cos, tan, arcsin,
arccos, arctan, sinh, cosh, tanh, freq, derivative, integral, min, max, average, peak, delay
- Tự động đo: AC RMS, true RMS, cycle time, DC average, duty cycle, falling rate, fall time, frequency,
high pulse width, low pulse width, maximum, minimum, peak-to-peak, rise time and rising rate
Kích thước: 170 x 255 x 40 mm
Khối lượng: 1kg
Yêu cầu cấu hình PC: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 (not Windows RT)
Phần mềm bao gồm: PicoScope 6, Windows SDK and example programs
Phụ kiện kèm theo: HDSD, CD, Cáp USB, Dây nguồn, hộp đựng.
Chi tiết
Download datasheet
Model: 6402D
Warranty: 12 months
Manufacture: Pico

Input channels 4, BNC connectors, single-ended
Analog bandwidth (-3 dB)* 250 MHz
(200 MHz on ±50 mV range)
350 MHz
(250 MHz on ±50 mV range) 500 MHz
Bandwidth limiter 20 MHz, switchable 20 MHz, switchable 25 MHz, switchable
Rise time (10% to 90%, calculated) 1.4 ns (50 mV range 1.8 ns) 1.0 ns (50 mV range 1.4 ns) 0.7 ns (all ranges)
Input ranges (full scale) ±50 mV to ±20V, in 9 ranges (1 MΩ input), ±50 mV to ±5V, in 7 ranges (50 Ω input)
Input sensitivity 10 mV/div to 4 V/div at x1 zoom (1 MΩ input), 10 mV/div to 1 V/div at x1 zoom (50 Ω input)
Input coupling AC (1 MΩ) or DC (1 MΩ or 50 Ω)
DC accuracy 3% of full scale
Overvoltage protection ±100 V to ground (1 MΩ inputs), 5.5 V RMS (50 Ω inputs)
* Stated bandwidth is with supplied probes or at BNC when 50 Ω impedance selected
Noise 200 μV RMS (50 mV range)
THD –55 dB typical
SFDR 60 dB typical
Crosstalk 17 000:1 typical at 20 MHz
1000:1 typical at full bandwidth
Timebase ranges 1 ns/div to 5000 s/div (real-time sampling)
50 ps/div to 100 ns/div (equivalent-time sampling / ETS)
Timebase accuracy ±2 ppm
Timebase ageing 1 ppm per year
ADC resolution 8 bits (up to 12 bits using software resolution enhancement)
Maximum real-time sampling rate
1 channel 5 GS/s
2 channels 2.5 GS/s**
4 channels 1.25 GS/s
Maximum ETS rate 50 GS/s (any number of channels)
Maximum streaming data rate (PicoScope 6) 10 MS/s
Maximum streaming data rate (SDK) Data transfer > 150 MS/s, streaming to SSD hard drive 78 MS/s
(USB 3.0, PC-dependent, subject to application loadings)
Sources Channels A to D, AUX
Trigger modes None, single, repeat, auto, rapid (segmented memory), ETS
Advanced trigger types (real-time mode) Edge, pulse width, window, window pulse width, dropout, window dropout, level, interval, logic level, runt pulse
Trigger types (ETS mode) Rising edge, falling edge
Trigger sensitivity 1 LSB accuracy up to full bandwidth of scope
Trigger level Adjustable over whole of selected voltage range
Maximum pre-trigger capture 100% of capture size
Maximum post-trigger delay 4 billion samples
Re-arm time Less than 1 μs on fastest timebase
Maximum trigger rate Up to 10,000 waveforms in a 10 ms burst
Trigger timing resolution 1 sample period
AUX trigger connector type Rear panel BNC, shared with reference clock input
Trigger types Edge, pulse width, dropout, interval, logic
Input characteristics 50 Ω ±1%, DC coupled
Bandwidth 25 MHz
Threshold range ±1 V
Overvoltage protection ±5 V (DC + AC peak)
Clock input characteristics 50 Ω, BNC, ±1 V, DC coupled
Frequency range 5, 10, 20, 25 MHz, user-selectable
Connector Rear panel BNC, shared with AUX trigger
Level Adjustable threshold, ±1 V
Overvoltage protection ±5 V