Máy phân tích máy cắt SKB PKV-U3.01 (20 kênh)

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Số kênh dời rạc để theo dõi tiếp xúc máy cắt, pcs: 20
Phạm vi đo lường và ghi của các khoảng thời gian, sec: 0.004 ÷ 8
sai số, ms: ±[0.1 + 0.0001*Тх], ở đó Тх – là khoảng thời gian đo
Số lượng các kênh đầu dò chuyển động gia tăng, pcs: 1 (cho đầu dò DP12 hoặc DP21)
Phạm vi của chuyển độ tuyến tính đo bằng đầu dò DP12, mm: 0.5 ÷ 900
Độ phân dải của chuyển động tuyến tính đo bởi đầu dò DP12, mm: 0.5
Sai số phép đo của chuyển động tuyến tính đo bởi đầu dò DP12, mm: ±1
Phạm vi của các góc chuyển động đo bởi đầu dò DP21,độ: 0.09 ÷ 360
Độ phân dải của góc chuyển động đo bới đầu dò DP21, độ: 0.09
Sai số góc chuyển động đo bới đầu dò DP12, mm: ±[0.2 + 0.001*a], ở đó a- là phạm vi chuyển động
Đo phạm vi tốc độ di chuyển, m/sec: 0.02 ÷ 20
Sai số tối đa của tốc độ di chuyển đo bởi đầu dò DP12trong dải 0.02 ÷ 10 m/sec, % : ±2
Dòng điện max (giá trị thực tế), А: 35
Mức độ đáp ứng của chuyển mạch nguồn tại ngắn mạch và dòng điện quá mức (giá trị đỉnh), А: 58 ± 8
Dải đo dòng điện (giá trị đỉnh), А: ±50
Dải đo điện áp của kênh chuyển mạch điện áp(giá trị đỉnh), V: ±350
Sai số đo điện áp (giá trị đỉnh), mV: ±75
Dải đo điện áp cho kênh “Input 1” và kênh “Input2”, V: 0 ÷ 12 (chế độ đơn cực), ±6 (chế độ lưỡng cực)
Dải điện trở cho kênh “Input 1” và kênh “Input2”, Ohm: 0 ÷ 2400 Ohm; (Của dòng điện ra 4 мА); 0 ÷ 160 Ohm (của dòng điện ra 60 мА)
Công suất tiêu thụ max, W: 60
Nhiệt độ vận hành, ºС:-15 ÷ +40
Trọng lượng máy, kg: 10
Kích thước, mm: 300х140х400
Giao diện: English
HDSD: English
Chu kỳ hiệu chuẩn, năm: 3
Cung cấp kèm theo:
- Máy chính
- Đầu dò chuyển động tuyến tính DP12
- Đầu dò chuyển động góc DP21
- Que đo (dài – 700 mm)
- Cáp nối đầu dò DP12) hoặc (DP21) dài 12m
- Cáp nguồn vào
- Cáp khởi động từ xa
- Cáp điện cực 20 kênh
- Cáp nối biến trở đầu dò
- Cáp đo điện áp shunt
- Dây nối đất
- Túi đựng
Chi tiết
Comparison PKVU3.1 +MIKO-21 vs CIBANO500
Maintenance check of oil, vacuum, sulfur-hexafluoride (SF6) and air-blast circuit breakers for all voltage classes from 10kV to 500kV
checkout of speed and travel parameters of oil, vacuum, SF6 and air-blast circuit breakers with up to 20 breaks per pole;
checkout of time characteristics of high-voltage disconnecting, isolating and short-circuiting switches;
measuring of electromagnet currents and voltages and solenoid heavy currents with the help of clamp meters;
built-in remote control for setting of ordinary operations and compound cycles for circuit breakers with the current of up to 35A for DC/AC drives;
large-scale software.
Diagnostics of domestic and foreign circuit breakers
PKV/U3.1 is complete with attachment devices for the installation of measuring transducers on all types of Russian- and foreign-manufactured high-voltage circuit breakers (ABB, AREVA, ALSTOM, SIEMENS, etc.).
If attachment of linear movement transducer is not envisaged for high-voltage equipment, you can use angular transducer instead. The instrument will automatically recalculate angular movement transducer readings to the travel of contacts.
A set for foreign-manufactured high-voltage circuit breakers (ABB, AREVA, ALSTOM, SIEMENS, etc.) is supplied on order.
Wide ranges of time intervals, speed and travel measurement covering the needs for monitoring of existing circuit breakers
Wide ranges of measurement by time (up to 8.1 sec), speed (up to 20 m/sec) and travel (up to 900 mm), covering the needs for monitoring of all existing high-voltage circuit breakers. For instance, the smaller time range of similar instruments does not allow for monitoring the operation of circuit breakers in compound cycles.
There are a number of nuances at measurement performance. For example, while registering of time characteristics of any high-voltage circuit breaker is quite a simple process, receiving of travel and speed characteristics can be performed only with the use of special linear or angular movement transducers.
Thus, if the advertisement of the instrument indicates that it can perform monitoring, for instance, of vacuum or oil circuit breakers but no transducer is included in the instrument kit, it means that monitoring of time characteristics only is envisaged.
PKV/U3.1 is supplied with incremental (discrete) transducers for measurement of speed characteristics and travel parameters which do not require adjustment or correction of conversion factors; these transducers provide accurate results and are convenient in service. Instruments with wire rope transducers, for instance, have a limited upper value for speed. Pull-back spring of these transducers does not have enough time to reel the wire rope onto the drum in case of rapid change of speed and measurement results become less accurate. It is not recommended to use laser movement transducers as there is a risk of eye damaging by the laser beam in case of mishandling.
High measurement accuracy
High measurement accuracy when measuring time characteristics (±0.1 ms), as well as travel and speed characteristics is ensured by digital angular and linear movement transducers with the accuracy grade of 0.09° and 0.5 mm. Potentiometer-based transducers usually used in other instruments similar to PKV/U3.1 have poor accuracy (of up to 1%) even in normal conditions. With the maximum travel of 900 mm. it gives measurement uncertainty of ±9 mm.
Immediate and demonstrable results of diagnostics
PKV/U3.1 is a measuring “brain” which performs all necessary calculations. In order to view the results of diagnostics you need to connect the instrument to a portable personal computer (PC) with special software allowing to:
Keep a database of measuring results;
Control the instrument from your computer;
Store measurement templates;
Show measuring results both in table and graphic form;
Automatically calculate parameters of circuit breakers;
Automatically apply circuit breaker phase movement graphs;
Draw up reports (protocols) of measurement;
Print out diagnostics data.
Automatic calculation of technical characteristics of high-voltage circuit breakers
The expanded set of time, travel and speed characteristics both for drive shaft and contacts as well as of voltages and currents of electromagnets and solenoid of the drive: time diversity, bounce durability, delay, rebound and transfer, medium velocities at various sections of travel, etc.
Apart from numerical data this instrument provides graphical results which allow detecting of incipient defects
Along with the tables of digital values of parameters more detailed information on circuit breaker condition can be obtained from the following registered graphs of processes:
relation between speed and time, speed and travel;
relation between electromagnet currents and voltages, and time and travel;
diagrams of contact opening-closing.

Automatic graphical overlay of circuit breaker phase cross-arms movement allows for accurate detection of such major defects as pole mechanism end play. It is particularly important for circuit breakers having one drive for three phases. Such defect cannot be detected using numeric data only. The state of the guide system also cannot be evaluated without viewing the graphs of moving parts movement process. It is also not possible to identify the node contributing to switch off delay using numeric data only. In this case the graph of speed against time of the process also provides comprehensive information as it is possible to separate the time of drive operation and operation time of mechanisms of the circuit breaker itself.
Monitoring of high-voltage circuit breakers in simple and compound cycles
PKV/U3.1 is equipped with a power switch for control of switching device drive with solenoid current of up to 35А (direct and alternating) which allows performing both simple switching close or switching open operations and compound cycles "Open-Close", "Close-Open", "Open-Close-Open".
PKV/U3 is represented in two modifications
One of the main characteristics of PKV/U3 is that it is produced in two modifications which differ in the number of channels of movement transducers (1 or 3) and number of channels of variable-resistance transducers monitoring (2 or 12): PKV/U3.1 and PKV/U3.0, correspondingly.
Thereby, PKV/U3.1 allows monitoring of all types of air-blast circuit breakers, except for models VO-750, VO-1150, VNV-1150, which is available in the other instrument version.
Number of variable-resistance transducer channels
Number of movement transducer channels
Number of movement transducers in the set
DP21 (up to 3 pcs.)
and DP12 (up to 3 pcs.)
DP21 (1 pcs.)
and DP12 (1pcs.)
Circuit breakers subject to verification
all, except for VO-750, VO-1150, VNV-1150
Simultaneous measuring of basic shaft turn angle and drive arm turn angle and pole
not available
Number of discrete channels for circuit breaker contacts monitoring, pcs.
Range of measurement and recording of time intervals, sec
0,004 ÷ 8
Maximum permissible intrinsic error of time interval measurement, ms
±[0.1 + 0.0001*Тх], where Тх – measured time interval
Number of channels of incremental movement transducers, pcs.
1 (for DP12 or DP21 transducers)
Range of linear movements measurement by DP12 transducer, mm
0.5 ÷ 900
Resolution of linear movements measurement by DP12 transducer, mm
Maximum permissible intrinsic error of linear movements measurement by DP12 transducer, mm
Range of angular movements measurement by DP21 transducer, degree
0.09 ÷ 360
Resolution of angular movements measurement by DP21 transducer, degree
Maximum permissible intrinsic error of angular movements measurement by DP12 transducer, mm
±[0.2 + 0.001*a], where a – measured movement
Range of moving speed measurement, m/sec
0.02 ÷ 20
Maximum permissible intrinsic relative error of speed measurement by DP12 transducer in the range of 0.02 ÷ 10 m/sec, %
Maximum commutated current (actual value), А
Response level of power switch at short-circuiting and excessive current (peak value), А
58 ± 8
Current measuring range (peak value), А
Range of measured voltages of switch voltage channel (peak value), V
Range of voltage measuring by shunt voltage channel (peak value), mV
Voltage measuring range for "Input 1" and "Input2" channels, V
0 ÷ 12 (monopolar mode), ±6 (bipolar mode)
Resistance measuring range for "Input 1" and "Input2" channels, Ohm
0 ÷ 2400 Ohm; (output current of 4 мА); 0 ÷ 160 Ohm (output current of 60 мА)
Maximum consumed power, W
Operation temperature range, ºС
-15 ÷ +40
Maximum measuring unit weight, kg
Dimensions, mm
Interface language
User manuals language
Calibration interval, year
Standard complete set
Photo Item, Index Application
PKV/U3.1 measuring unit SKB021.00.00.000-01 Instrument and accompanying documents: calibration certificate, operation manual, record book, software / user manual.
Linear movement transducer DP12 SKB012.00.000-02 For measuring of moving parts movement in high-voltage circuit breakers (set includes data sheet and calibration certificate). Range – 0 ÷ 900 mm. Resolution – 0.5 mm. Used together with a measuring stick.
<img width="120" height="120" alt="Measuring stick" src="http://skbpribor.com/upload/resize_cache/iblock/655/120_240_1a1fde8d5