Chi tiết sản phẩm
Ứng dụng: Pre-Compliance-Test, Radio & TV, Tetra/BOS, ISM434, LTE800, ISM868, GSM900, GSM1800, GSM1900, DECT, UMTS, WLAN, Microwave, Bluetooth, WiFi, LTE2.6, WiMAX, Directional Radio, 5GHz WLAN, PAR Radar....
Giải tần: 1MHz - 9,4GHz
14Bit Dual-ADC
Bộ lọc phần cứng DDC
AVG mức nhiễu (DANL): -170dBm(1Hz)*
Mức AbsMax : +20dBm
Mức AbsMax : +40dBm (Option)
Bộ lọc thông (RBW) Min: 200Hz
Bộ lọc thông (RBW) Max: 50MHz
EMC-Filter (RBW): 9kHz, 120kHz, 5MHz; 20MHz; 40MHz
Thời gian lấy mẫu thấp nhất có thể: 1mS
Độ chính xác : +/- 1dB
Độ công suất vector (I/Q) và True RMS
Dải điều ch AM/FM/PM
Mở rộng phạm vi đầy đủ dải ICNIRP
Fast ZERO-SPAN sweep
Chế độ HOLD
Trọng lượng: 5,5kg
Cung cấp kèm thoe: Máy phân tích phổ ngoài trời HF-XFR, Đã cài đặt phần mềm phân tích LCS, Ăng ten đo tín hiệu EMC Hyper LOG 60100 (680MHz-10GHz), Ăng ten OmniLOG 90200 đo tín hiệu RF (700MHz - 2,5GHz), 1m cáp SMA, SMA-tool, pin , Bộ sạc, HDSD
Chi tiết
- Option 900 (9kHz Frequency Extension)
Frequency extension from 9 kHz (instead of 1MHz) for HF-HF-XFR. New usable frequency range: 9 kHz to 9.4 GHz.
- Option 205 (10GHz Realtime Peak POWER-METER)
Transforms the HF-XFR to a broadband, realtime Peak POWER-METER incl. superfast TIME DOMAIN display.
- Option 015 (Audio Signal Tracker)
Acoustic playback of the signal strength (Geiger-counter-effect). Option 015 allows a fast and convenient locating of signal sources. Perfectly suitable for signal pinpointing, finding hidden transmitters or aligning antennas. +
- Option 022 (Low-noise external 40dB Preamplifier)
Expands the measurement range up to 40dB. A MUST HAVE for a EN55011, EN55022 or EN50371 EMC-Test. Strongly recommended for measurements in the lower frequency range (up to 1GHz).
- Option 800 (8GHz - 10dB Sensitivity Extension)
Internal hardware upgrade to increase the sensitivity (lower noise floor) of the HF-XFR by an average of 10dB (max. 15dB) between 8GHz and 9.4GHz. Produces slightly higher noise at 1GHz, not recommended for EN tests without UBBV2 preamplifier.
- Option DC Car Adapter
DC Car Adapter for SPECTRAN HF-XFR PRO. Allows continuous operation or recharge the battery via the car cigarette lighter adapter.
Option Anten:
- OmniLOG 30800 (300MHz - 8GHz)
- OmniLOG 70600 (680MHz - 6GHz)
Option Probe:
- Probe Set / EMC Sniffer Set PBS 1 (DC - 9GHz)
- Probe Set PBS 2 (incl. Preamplifier)
Option accessory:
- DC-Blocker (SMA)
- 20dB Attenuator (DC-18GHz)
- Calibration Certificate
- SMA Cable 1m with mounting wrench
- SMA Cable 5m with mounting wrench
- SMA Cable 10m with mounting wrench
- RF Satellite Test Probe (5MHz - 2,5GHz)