Máy phát hiện khí độc RKI Eagle 2 (CH4, O2, CO, H2S, NH3, AsH3, Cl2, HCN, PH3, SO2, CO2, VOC, H2)

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Chi tiết sản phẩm
Chọn mua thêm các loại cảm biến sau chưa bao gồm theo máy tối đa 6 sensor:
Các khi trong không gian:
Hydrocarbons (CH4, std): 0 - 100% LEL (Option)
Hydrocarbons (CH4, std): 0 - 5% Vol. (CH4) (Option)
Hydrocarbons (CH4, std): 0 - 50,000 ppm (Option)
Oxygen (O2): 0 - 40% Vol. (Option)
Carbon Monoxide (CO): 0 - 500 ppm (Option)
Hydrogen Sulfid(H2S): 0 - 100 ppm (Option)
các khí độc: (Option)
Ammonia (NH3): 0 - 75 ppm (Option)
Arsine (AsH3): 0 - 1.5 ppm (Option)
Chlorine (Cl2): 0 - 3 ppm (Option)
Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN): 0 - 15 ppm (Option)
Phosphine (PH3): 0 - 1 ppm (Option)
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2): 0 - 6 ppm (Option)
Cảm biến IR;
Carbon Dioxide (CO2): 0 - 10,000 ppm (Option)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2): 0 - 5% Vol. (Option)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2): 0 - 60% Vol. (Option)
Methane (CH4): 0 - 100% LEL/ (Option)
Methane (CH4): 0 - 100% Vol. (Option)
Methane (CH4): Hydrocarbons (Option)
Methane (CH4): 0 - 100% LEL/ (Option)
Methane (CH4): 0 - 30% Vol. (Option)
Cảm biến PID:
VOC: 0 - 2,000 ppm (Option)
VOC: 0 - 50 ppm (Option)
Cảm biến TC:
Methane (CH4): 0 - 100% Vol. (Option)
Hydrogen (H2): 0 - 10% Vol. (Option)
Hydrogen (H2): 0 - 100% Vol. (Option)

Vỏ: chịu thời tiết, kháng hóa chất, nhựa PC-PBT kháng va đập, phủ lớp chống sóng điện từ. Chống bụi và nước theo chuẩn IP64
Kích thước: 241x133x149mm
Khối lượng: ~1.7 kg
Đầu dò: gồm đầu dò xúc tác, điện hóa, galvanic, hồng ngoại, PID và đầu dò độ dẫn.
Tuổi thọ đầu dò: 2 năm trong điều kiện thường
Bơm mẫu: Hoạt động trên 6.000 giờ, tốc độ bơm 2.0 SCFH
Màn hình: LCD có lớp bảo vệ polyurethane, đèn màn hình.
Ngôn ngữ: Anh, Pháp, Đức, Ý, Tây Ban Nha
Báo động: báo động âm thanh 95dB khoảng cách 30cm, 4 đèn LED cường độ cao.
Thời gian hoạt động: 16 giờ (pin Alkaline) hoặc 14 giờ (pin Ni-MH)
Điều kiện vận hành: -20°C ~ 50°C, độ ẩm tương đối 0 ~ 95%
Phụ kiện tiêu chuẩn: Dây đeo vai, pin kiềm, đầu dò kỵ ẩm, và ống 5 chân,lọc trong kỵ ẩm
Phụ kiện tùy chọn:
Dung dịch pha loãng (50/50)
+ Pin Ni-MH
+ Bộ sạc pin, 115 VAC, 220 VAC, hoặc 12 VDC (thời gian sạc: 4 giờ) với chức năng hoạt động liên tục
+ Ống mở rộng
Chi tiết
Chọn mua thêm máy kèm các loại khí sau:
Code For 1 gas
1.1 721-001 Eagle 2 single gas, HC( Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM): $1,945.00
1.2 721-021 Eagle 2 single gas, HC (IR sensor,0- 100% LEL or Vol): $2,595.00
1.3 721-001-IR Eagle 2 single gas, CH4 (IR sensor,0- 100% LEL): $2,595.00
1.4 721-020 Eagle 2 single gas, CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL):: $2,595.00
1.5 721-102-30 Eagle 2 single gas, CH4(TC sensor, 0 – 100% Vol.): $2,245.00
1.6 721-015-02 Eagle 2 single gas, CO2 (0 to 10,000 PPM): $2,595.00
1.7 721-015-03 Eagle 2 single gas, CO2 (0 to 5% vol): $2,595.00
1.8 721-015-05 Eagle 2 single gas, CO2(0 to 60% vol): $2,595.00
1.9 721-101-P1 Eagle 2 single gas, PID (0 to 50 PPM): $3,445.00
1.10 721-101-P2 Eagle 2 single gas, PID(0 to 2000 PPM): $3,145.00
1.11 721-002 Eagle 2 single gas, O2: $1,945.00
1.12 721-102-10 Eagle 2 single gas, H2 (TC sensor, 0 to 10% vol): $2,245.00
1.13 721-102-20 Eagle 2 single gas, H2 CH4 (TC sensor, 0 to 100% vol): $2,245.00
1.14 721-003 Eagle 2 single gas, H2S: $1,945.00
1.15 721-005 Eagle 2 single gas, SO2: $2,195.00
1.16 721-007 Eagle 2 single gas, AsH3: $2,195.00
1.17 721-011 Eagle 2 single gas, NH3: $2,195.00
Code For 2 gas
2.1 722-001 Eagle 2 two gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM) O2: $2,095.00
2.2 722-002 Eagle 2 two gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM) CO: $2,095.00
2.3 722-043-02 Eagle 2 two gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM) CO2(0 to 10,000 PPM): $2,795.00
2.4 722-043-03 Eagle 2 two gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), CO2(0 to 5% vol): $2,795.00
2.5 722-043-05 Eagle 2 two gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), CO2(0 to 60% vol): $2,795.00
2.6 722-038 Eagle 2 two gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL):: $2,795.00
2.7 722-102-30 Eagle 2 two gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), CH4(TC sensor, 0 to 100% vol): $2,445.00
2.8 722-101-P1 Eagle 2 two gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), PID(0 to 50 PPM): $3,645.00
2.9 722-101-P2 Eagle 2 two gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), PID(0 to 2000 PPM): $3,345.00
2.10 722-102-01 Eagle 2 two gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), H2 (TC sensor, 0 to 10% vol): $2,395.00
2.11 722-102-02Eagle 2 two gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM) H2 (TC sensor, 0 to 100% vol): $2,395.00
2.12 722-003 Eagle 2 two gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), H2S: $2,095.00
2.13 722-010 Eagle 2 two gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), NH3: $2,395.00
2.14 722-068 Eagle 2 two gas, HC(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), O2: $2,795.00
2.15 722-001-IR Eagle 2 two gas, CH4(IR sensor,0-100 % LEL):, O2: $2,795.00
2.16 722-045 Eagle 2 two gas, CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), O2: $2,795.00
2.17 722-073 Eagle 2two gas, CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), H2S: $2,795.00
2.18 722-090-05 Eagle 2 two gas, CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), CO2(0 to 60% vol): $3,445.00
2.19 722-022-02 Eagle 2 two gas, CO2(0 to 10,000 PPM), O2: $2,795.00
2.20 722-022-03 Eagle 2 two gas, CO2(0 to 5% vol), O2: $2,795.00
2.21 722-022-05 Eagle 2 two gas, CO2(0 to 60% vol), O2: $2,795.00
2.22 722-023-02 Eagle 2 two gas, CO2 (0 to 10,000 PPM), NH3: $3,045.00
2.23 722-065-02 Eagle 2 two gas, CO2(0 to 10,000 PPM),, H2S: $2,795.00
2.24 722-065-03 Eagle 2 two gas, CO2(0 to 5% vol), H2S: $2,795.00
2.25 722-065-05 Eagle 2 two gas, CO2(0 to 60% vol), H2S: $2,795.00
2.26 722-036 Eagle 2 two gas, NH3, HCN: $2,645.00
2.27 722-049 Eagle 2 two gas, NH3, H2S: $2,395.00
Code For 3 gas
3.1 723-001 Eagle 2 three gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, H2S: $2,245.00
3.2 723-002 Eagle 2 three gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, CO: $2,245.00
3.3 723-007 Eagle 2 three gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, NH3: $2,545.00
3.4 723-016-02 Eagle 2 three gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), CO2(0 to 10,000 PPM), O2: $2,945.00
3.5 723-016-03 Eagle 2 three gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), CO2(0 to 5% vol), O2: $2,945.00
3.6 723-016-05 Eagle 2 three gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), CO2(0 to 60% vol), O2: $2,945.00
3.7 723-029-02 Eagle 2 three gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), CO2(0 to 10,000 PPM),, H2S: $2,945.00
3.8 723-022 Eagle 2 three gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), O2: $2,945.00
3.9 723-102 Eagle 2 three gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL):, O2: $2,945.00
3.10 723-104-03 Eagle 2 three gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), CH4(TC sensor, 0 – 100% Vol.), O2: $2,545.00
3.11 723-101-P1 Eagle 2 three gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), PID(0 to 50 PPM):, O2: $3,795.00
3.12 723-101-P2 Eagle 2 three gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), PID(0 to 2000 PPM), O2: $3,495.00
3.13 723-103 Eagle 2 three gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), HC(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), O2: $2,945.00
3.14 723-104-10 Eagle 2 three gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), H2 (TC sensor, 0 to 10% vol), O2: $2,595.00
3.15 723-104-20 Eagle 2 three gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), H2 CH4 (TC sensor, 0 to 100% vol), O2: $2,595.00
3.16 723-069 Eagle 2 three gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), H2S, NH3: $2,545.00
3.17 723-054 Eagle 2 three gas, HC(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), O2, H2S: $2,945.00
3.18 723-032 Eagle 2 three gas, CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), O2, CO: $2,945.00
3.19 723-035-05 Eagle 2 three gas, CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), CO2(0 to 60% vol), O2: $3,645.00
3.20 723-037 Eagle 2 three gas, CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), O2, H2S: $2,945.00
3.21 723-064 Eagle 2 three gas, CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), H2S, NH3: $3,245.00
3.22 723-081 Eagle 2 three gas, CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), CO, H2S: $2,945.00
3.23 723-026-03 Eagle 2 three gas, CO2(0 to 5% vol), O2, CO: $2,945.00
3.24 723-026-05 Eagle 2 three gas, CO2(0 to 60% vol), O2, CO: $2,945.00
3.25 723-071-05 Eagle 2 three gas, CO2(0 to 60% vol), O2, H2S: $2,945.00
Code for 4 gases
4.1 724-001 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, CO, H2S: $2,395.00
4.2 724-002 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, H2S, SO2: $2,695.00
4.3 724-003 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, CO, SO2: $2,695.00
4.4 724-012 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, CO, NH3: $2,695.00
4.5 724-016-02 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, CO, CO2 (0 to 10,000 PPM): $3,095.00
4.6 724-016-03 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, CO, CO2 (0 to 5% vol): $3,095.00
4.7 724-016-05 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, CO, CO2(0 to 60% vol): $3,095.00
4.8 724-027 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, CO, PH3: $2,695.00
4.9 724-039-02 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, H2S, CO2(0 to 10,000 PPM): $3,095.00
4.10 724-039-03 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, H2S, CO2(0 to 5% vol): $3,095.00
4.11 724-039-05 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, H2S, CO2(0 to 60% vol): $3,095.00
4.12 724-041 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), O2, CO: $3,095.00
4.13 724-048-02 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, NH3, CO2(0 to 10,000 PPM): $3,395.00
4.14 724-048-03 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, NH3, CO2(0 to 5% vol): $3,395.00
4.15 724-052 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, CO, HCN: $2,695.00
4.16 724-054 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, CO, NH3: $2,695.00
4.17 724-055-03 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), CO, CO2(0 to 5% vol), H2S: $3,095.00
4.18 724-074-05 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), O2, CO2(0 to 60% vol): $3,795.00
4.19 724-085 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, CO, AsH3: $2,695.00
4.20 724-087 Eagle 2 four gas, HC(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), O2, CO, H2s (not for % volume HC use): $3,095.00
4.21 724-101-P1 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, PID(0 to 50 PPM), H2S: $3,945.00
4.22 724-101-P2 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, PID(0 to 2000 PPM), H2S: $3,645.00
4.23 724-102-P1 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, PID(0 to 50 PPM),, CO: $3,945.00
4.24 724-102-P2 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, PID(0 to 2000 PPM), CO: $3,645.00
4.25 724-103-35 Eagle 2 four gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), CH4 (TC sensor, 0 – 100% Vol.), O2, CO2(0 to 60% vol): $3,445.00
4.26 724-059-05 Eagle 2 four gas, CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), O2, CO, CO2(0 to 60% vol): $3,795.00
4.27 724-059-03 Eagle 2 four gas, CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), O2, CO, CO2(0 to 5% vol): $3,795.00
4.28 724-059-02 Eagle 2 four gas, CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), O2, CO, CO2(0 to 10,000 PPM): $3,795.00
4.29 724-001-IR Eagle 2 four gas, CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), O2, CO, H2S: $3,095.00
4.30 724-051 Eagle 2 four gas, CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), O2, CO, H2S: $3,095.00
Code for 5 or 6 gases
5.1 725-001 Eagle 2 five gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, CO, H2S, SO2: $2,845.00
5.2 725-003 Eagle 2 five gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, CO, H2S, NH3: $2,845.00
5.3 725-004-02 Eagle 2 five gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, CO, H2S, CO2(0 to 10,000 PPM): $3,245.00
5.4 725-004-03 Eagle 2 five gas, HC HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, CO, H2S, CO2(0 to 5% vol): $3,245.00
5.5 725-101-P1 Eagle 2 five gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM),O2, CO, H2S, PID(0 to 50 PPM),: $4,095.00
5.6 725-101-P2 Eagle 2 five gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM),O2, CO, H2S, PID (0 to 2000 PPM): $3,795.00
5.7 725-102-P1 Eagle 2 five gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM),O2, CO, HCN, PID(0 to 50 PPM): $4,395.00
5.8 725-102-P2 Eagle 2 five gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM),O2, CO, HCN, PID(0 to 2000 PPM): $4,095.00
5.9 725-103-02-P1 Eagle 2 five gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM),O2, CO, CO2(0 to 10,000 PPM), PID(0 to 50 PPM): $4,795.00
5.10 725-103-02-P2 Eagle 2 five gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM),O2, CO, CO2(0 to 10,000 PPM), PID(0 to 2000 PPM): $4,495.00
5.11 725-103-03-P1 Eagle 2 five gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM),O2, CO, CO2(0 to 60% vol), PID(0 to 50 PPM): $4,795.00
5.12 725-103-03-P2 Eagle 2 five gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM),O2, CO, CO2(0 to 60% vol), PID(0 to 2000 PPM): $4,495.00
5.13 725-103-05-P1 Eagle 2 five gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM),O2, CO, CO2(0 to 5% vol), PID(0 to 50 PPM): $4,795.00
5.14 725-103-05-P2 Eagle 2 five gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM),O2, CO, CO2(0 to 5% vol), PID(0 to 2000 PPM): $4,495.00
5.15 725-105-30 Eagle 2 five gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), CH4(TC sensor, 0 to 100% vol), O2, H2S, CO: $2,895.00
5.16 725-106-05 Eagle 2 five gas, CH4(IR sensor,0- 100% LEL), O2, H2S, CO, CO2(0 to 60% vol): $3,945.00
5.17 726-008-03 Eagle 2 six gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, H2S, CO, NH3, CO2(0 to 60% vol): $3,695.00
5.18 726-101-P1 Eagle 2 six gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, H2S, CO, SO2, PID(0 to 50 PPM): $4,545.00
5.19 726-101-P2 Eagle 2 six gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, H2S, CO, SO2, PID(0 to 2000 PPM): $4,245.00
5.20 726-102-P1 Eagle 2 six gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, H2S, CO, NH3, PID(0 to 50 PPM): $4,545.00
5.21 726-102-P2 Eagle 2 six gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, H2S, CO, NH3, PID(0 to 2000 PPM): $4,245.00
5.22 726-105-35 Eagle 2six gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), CH4 (TC sensor, 0 to 100% vol), O2, H2S, CO, CO2(0 to 60% vol): $3,745.00
5.23 726-106-05-P2 Eagle 2 six gas, HC(Comb sensor,option % LEL or PPM), O2, H2S, CO, CO2(0 to 60% vol), PID (0 to 2000 PPM): $4,645.00
6. option Accessories
6.1 20-0640RK Carrying case for Eagle 2 and accessories: $180.00
6.2 20-0642RK Carrying case for Eagle 2, accessories, and calibration kit: $320.00
6.3 49-1330RK NiMH C battery for Eagle 2, QTY 1: $10.00 (chọn 4 cái pin NiMH +bộ sạc)
6.4 49-2175RK Battery charger for Eagle 2, 100 to 240 VAC: $110.00 (chọn thêm 4 pin NiMH)
6.5 49-2176RK Battery charger for Eagle 2, 12 VDC: $110.00(chọn thêm 4 pin NiMH)
6.6 49-2177RK Battery charger for Eagle 2, 100 to 240 VAC and 12 VDC3: $130.00 (chọn thêm 4 pin NiMH)
6.7 80-0133RK Probe for Eagle 2, 30″, aluminum: $95.00
6.8 80-0134RK Probe for Eagle 2, 4′, stainless steel: $200.00
6.9 80-0135RK Probe for Eagle 2, 30″, stainless steel: $110.00
6.10 80-0136RK Probe for Eagle 2, 32″, extendible fiberglass (10″ collapsed): 65.00
6.11 80-0137RK Probe for Eagle 2, 10″, plastic: $36.00
6.12 80-0143RK Probe for Eagle 2, 7′, extendible fiberglass (2′ collapsed): $88.00
6.13 80-0156RK Probe for Eagle 2, 30″, fiberglass: $80.00
6.14 80-0160RK-12 Probe for Eagle 2, 12′, extendible: $250.00
6.15 80-0160RK-18 Probe for Eagle 2, 18′, extendible: $250.00
6.16 80-0405RK Dilution fitting for Eagle 2, 1:1: $95.00
6.17 80-0406RKDilution fitting4 for Eagle 2, 3:1: $120.00
6.18 80-0505RK5′ Hose for Eagle 2, polyurethane: $40.00
6.19 80-0506RK6′ Hose4 for Eagle 2, teflon lined: $42.00
6.20 80-0510RK10′ Hose4 for Eagle 2, polyurethane: $45.00
6.21 80-0515RK15′ Hose4 for Eagle 2, polyurethane: $50.00
6.22 80-0520RK20′ Hose4 for Eagle 2, polyurethane: 55.00
6.23 80-0525RK25′ Hose4 for Eagle 2, polyurethane: $60.00
6.24 80-0530RK30′ Hose4 for Eagle 2, polyurethane: $70.00
6.25 80-0540RK40′ Hose4 for Eagle 2, polyurethane: $80.00
6.26 80-0550RK50′ Hose4 for Eagle 2, polyurethane: $90.00
6.27 80-0560RK60′ Hose4 for Eagle 2, polyurethane: $100.00
6.28 80-0575RK75′ Hose4 for Eagle 2, polyurethane: $115.00
6.29 80-0599RK100′ Hose4 for Eagle 2, polyurethane: $140.00
6.30 80-0599RK-125125′ Hose4 for Eagle 2, polyurethane: $170.00