Máy phát xung tùy ý TEKTRONIX AFG1062

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Chi tiết sản phẩm
Tần số : 60Mhz
Số kênh : 2
Tốc độ lấy mẫu : 300 MS/s
Độ phân giải : 14 bit
Biên độ : 1 mVp-p to 10 Vp-p, 50 Ω load
Sóng phát : Since, vuông, răng cưa, xung, nhiễu và tùy ý
Sóng Sin :
Tần số : 1uHz ~ 60Mhz
Biên độ phẳng (1Vpp) : ±0.2 dB (< 10Mhz) và ±0.3 dB (>10 MHz )
Tổng nhiễu hài : < 0.2%
Nhiễu pha : 1 MHz: < -110 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset, 1 Vp-p
Sóng vuông :
Tần số : 1uHz ~ 30 Mhz
Rise/fall : <10ns
Sóng răng cưa :
Tần số : 1uHz ~ 2Mhz
Độ tuyến tính : < 0.1%
Tính đối xứng : 0 - 100%
Sóng xung :
Tần số : 1uHz ~ 30 Mhz
Độ rộng : <1 mhz="" 0="" 1="" to="" 99="" 9="" br=""> Nhiễu :
Băng thông : 50 Mhz
Sóng tùy ý :
Tần số : 1uhz ~ 30 Mhz
Độ phân giải : 14 bits
Rise/fall : < 8ns
Điều chế : AM/FM/PM/FSK
Chế độ đếm tần số
Bộ nhớ : 64 MB bộ nhớ trong và bộ nhớ ngoài dùng USB
Giao tiếp : USB
Nguồn cung cấp : 220-240 VAC, 100-120 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Kích thước : 235 × 110 × 295 mm, 4.7 kg
Phụ kiện : Máy chính, Cáp BNC x 2, USB cáp, đầu nguồn, HDSD, chứng nhận chuẩn.
Chi tiết
All specifications apply to all models unless noted otherwise.
Number of channels
Built-in waveforms
Built-in waveforms
Sine, Square, Pulse, Ramp, Noise, and 45 frequently used arbitrary waveforms
General characteristics
Sine waves
AFG1022 AFG1062
1 μHz to 25 MHz 1 μHz to 60 MHz
Sine wave in burst mode
2 mHz to 25 MHz 2 mHz to 30 MHz
Effective maximum frequency out
25 MHz 60 MHz
Amplitude flatness (1 Vp-p), typical
<10 mhz="" b="">
±0.2 dB ±0.2 dB
≥10 MHz
±0.3 dB ±0.3 dB
Harmonic distortion (1 Vp-p)
≤10 MHz
< -50 dBc < -60 dBc
>10 MHz
< -50 dBc < -47 dBc
Total harmonic distortion
< 0.2% (10 Hz to 20 kHz, 1 Vp-p)
Spurious (1 Vp-p)
< -45 dBc
Phase noise, typical
1 MHz: < -110 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset, 1 Vp-p
Residual clock noise, typical
-57 dBm
Square wave
AFG1022 AFG1062
1 μHz to 12.5 MHz 1 μHz to 30 MHz
Rise/fall time
<12 ns="" td=""> <10 ns="" td="">
Jitter (rms), typical
<1 ns="" td=""> <500 ps="" td="">
Ramp wave
AFG1022 AFG1062
1 μHz to 1 MHz 1 μHz to 2 MHz
Linearity, typical
≤ 0.1% of peak output at 10% - 90% of amplitude range, at 1 kHz, 1 V p-p , 50% symmetry
0.0% to 100.0%
Pulse wave
AFG1022 AFG1062
1 μHz to 12.5 MHz 1 μHz to 30 MHz
Pulse width range
40 ns to 999 ks 17 ns to 999 ks
Pulse width resolution
1 ns or 4 digits
Pulse duty
<1 mhz="" 0="" 1="" to="" 99="" 9="" limitations="" of="" pulse="" duty="" width="" apply="" td="">
≥1 MHz, 50% fixed ≥1 MHz, 50% fixed
Edge transition time
<12 ns="" fixed="" td=""> <10 ns="" fixed="" td="">
Overshoot, typical
Jitter (rms), typical
<1 ns="" td=""> <500 ps="" td="">
Noise bandwidth (-3 dB)
AFG1022 AFG1062
25 MHz 50 MHz
Noise type
White Gausian
AFG1022 AFG1062
-5 V to +5 V, 50 Ω load
-10 V to + 10 V, open circuit or high Z load
Arbitrary waveform
AFG1022 AFG1062
1 μHz to 10 MHz 1 μHz to 30 MHz
Arbitrary waveform in burst mode
2 mHz to 10 MHz 2 mHz to 30 MHz
Effective analog bandwidth (-3 dB)
30 MHz 60 MHz
Non-volatile memory
64 MByte
2 to 8,192 2 to 1 M-point
Sampling rate
125 MS/s 300 MS/s
Vertical resolution
14 bits
Rise and fall time
< 10 ns < 8 ns
Jitter (rms), typical
< 6 ns
AFG1022 AFG1062
1 μHz or 12 digits
Internal reference stability
±1 ppm at 0 - 40 °C
Internal reference aging
±1 ppm per year
Range (50 Ω load)
≤25 MHz
AFG1022 AFG1062
1 mVp-p to 10 Vp-p 1 mVp-p to 10 Vp-p
>25 MHz
- 1 mV p-p to 5 V p-p
Range (Open circuit or high Z load)
≤25 MHz
2 mVp-p to 20 Vp-p 2 mV p-p to 20 V p-p
>25 MHz
- 2 mV p-p to 10 V p-p
±(1% of setting +1 mVp-p), (1 kHz sine waveform, 0 V offset)
1 mVp-p, 1 mVrms or 4 digits
Vp-p, Vrms
Output impedance
50 Ω (typical)
Local impedance setting
Selectable: 50 Ω, 1 Ω to 10.000 kΩ, High Z (adjusts displayed amplitude according to selected load impedance)
No floating ground, signal ground connected to chassis ground
Signal output protection
Short-circuit tolerance, main output automatically disabled when over current
DC offset
±(5 Vpk – Amplitudep-p/2), 50 Ω load
±(10 Vpk – Amplitudep-p/2), open circuit or high Z load
±(1% of |setting| + 1 mV + 0.5% of amplitude (Vp-p))
1 mV or 4 digits
Modulation, sweeping, and burst modes are only available for channel 1 on the AFG1022.
The AFG1062 supports equal strong channels with modulation, sweeping, and burst modes.
Amplitude modulation
Carrier waveforms
Sine, square, ramp, arbitrary, except DC and noise
Internal / external
Internal modulating waveforms
Sine, square, ramp, noise, arbitrary
Internal AM frequency
2 mHz to 20 kHz
0.0% to 100.0%
Frequency modulation
Carrier waveforms
Sine, square, ramp, arbitrary, except DC and noise
Internal / external
Internal modulating waveforms
Sine, square, ramp, noise, arbitrary
Internal modulating frequency
2 mHz to 20 kHz
Frequency deviation
(limited by carrier waveform type)
AFG1022 AFG1062
2 mHz to 12.5 MHz 2 mHz to 30 MHz
Phase modulation
Carrier waveforms
Sine, square, ramp, arbitrary, except DC and noise
Internal / external
Internal modulating waveforms
Sine, square, ramp, noise, arbitrary
Internal PM frequency
2 mHz to 20 kHz
Phase Deviation
0° to 180°
Amplitude shift keying
(AFG1062 only)
Carrier waveforms
Sine, square, ramp, arbitrary, except DC and noise
Internal / external
Internal modulating waveforms
50% duty cycle square
ASK rate
2 mHz to 100 kHz
Frequency shift keying
Carrier waveforms
Sine, square, ramp, arbitrary, except DC and noise
Internal / external
Internal modulating waveforms
50% duty cycle square
FSK rate
2 mHz to 100 kHz
Phase shift keying
(AFG1062 only)
Carrier waveforms
Sine, square, ramp, arbitrary, except DC and noise
Internal / external
Internal modulating waveforms
50% duty cycle square
PSK rate
2 mHz to 100 kHz
Pulse width modulation
(AFG1062 only)
Carrier waveforms
Pulse, ≤1 MHz
Internal / external
Internal modulating waveforms
Sine, square, ramp, arbitrary, except DC and noise
PWM frequency
2 mHz to 20 kHz
0.0% to 50.0% of pulse period
Modulation, sweeping, and burst modes are only available for channel 1 on the AFG1022.
The AFG1062 supports equal strong channels with modulation, sweeping, and burst modes.
Carrier waveforms
Sine, square, ramp, arbitrary (AFG1062 only)
Minimum start-stop frequency
1 μHz
Maximum start-stop frequency
AFG1022 AFG1062
25 MHz 60 MHz
12.5 MHz 30 MHz
1 MHz 2 MHz
Linear, logarithmic
Up / down
Sweep time
1 ms to 500 s ± 0.1%
Trigger sources
Internal, external, or manual
Modulation, sweeping, and burst modes are only available for channel 1 on the AFG1022.
The AFG1062 supports equal strong channels with modulation, sweeping, and burst modes.
Sine, square, ramp, pulse, arbitrary except DC and noise
AFG1022: count (1 to 50,000 cycles), infinite, gated
AFG1062: count (1 to 1,000,000 cycles), infinite, gated
Start phase
-360° to +360°
Trigger sources
Internal, external, or manual
Internal trigger interval
(40 ns or (cycles x period) to 500 s) ± 1%
Gate source
External trigger
Frequency counter
Frequency, period, positive pulse width, duty cycle
Frequency range
100 mHz to 200 MHz
Frequency resolution
6 digits
Coupling mode
Voltage Range and Sensitivity, DC coupled (non-modulation signal)
100 mHz to 100 MHz
250 mVp-p to 5 Vp-p (AC + DC)
100 MHz to 200 MHz
450 mVp-p to 3 Vp-p (AC + DC)
Voltage range and sensitivity, AC coupled (non-modulation signal)
1 Hz to 100 MHz
250 mVp-p to 5 Vp-p
100 MHz to 200 MHz
450 mVp-p to 4 Vp-p
Pulse width and duty cycle measure
1 Hz to 10 MHz
Input impedance
1 M Ω in parallel with 100 pF
High frequency noise restraint (HFR)
On / Off (HFR frequency = 500 kHz)
Low, middle, or high
Trigger level range
-2.5 V to +2.5 V
Auxiliary inputs and outputs
External modulation input
Input frequency range
DC to 20 kHz
Input voltage range
All except FSK: ±1 V full scale, FSK: 3.3 V logic level
Input impedance
12 kΩ (typical)
External trigger input
Rising or falling (selectable)
Pulse Width
>100 ns
External reference clock input
(Shared with Frequency Counter Input)
400 Ω, AC coupled
Requested Input voltage swing
100 mVp-p to 5 Vp-p
Locking range
10 MHz ±9 kHz
External reference clock output
10 MHz
50 Ω, DC coupled
1.6 Vp-p into 50 Ω load
Communication interface
Host and device, USB TMC compliance
Display type
Display resolution
480 by 320
Display colors
Menu and online help languages
Menu and online help languages
English and Simplified Chinese
Power source
220-240 VAC, 100-120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, CATⅡ
AFG1022: Less than 28 W
AFG1062: Less than 35 W
110 V: 250 V, F1AL
220 V: 250 V, F0.5AL
Warm-up time
30 minutes (typical)
Physical characteristics
Dimensions (W, H, D)
230 × 110 × 306 mm (9.0 × 4.4 × 12.1 in)
3.4 kg (7.5 lbs)
4.7 kg (10.3 lbs)
EMC environment and safety
0 ℃ to 40 ℃ (32 °F to 104 °F)
-20 ℃ to 60 ℃ (-4 °F to 144 °F)
Relative humidity (non-condensing)
Operating: ≤ 80%, +0 °C to +40 °C (+32 °F to +104 °F)
Non-operating: 5% to 90%, < +40 °C (+104 °F)
Non-operating: 5% to 80%, ≥ +40 °C (+104 °F) to ≤ +60 °C (+140 °F)
Operating: up to 3,000 m (9843 ft.)
Non-operating: up to 12,000 m (39,370 ft)
Cooling method
Fan cooling
EMC compliance
European Union
EN 61326-1
CISPR 11, Class A
Safety compliance
UL 61010-1
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1
EN 61010-1
IEC 61010-1
Video Demo:
Catalog 2021/2022