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The Multiport Calibration Assistant application provides a tool to flexibly create and manage calibration sets for multiport measurements.
At least one ECal module is required for the operation of S97552B.
S97552B Configurations:
>> (R-A5C-001-A) Node-locked perpetual license
>> (R-A6C-001-L) KeysightCare software support subscription, node-locked - 12 months
>> Facilitates the calibration of massive multiport VNA by using electronic calibration units (ECal)
>> Perform multiport calibration with a simple procedure
>> Merge multiple calibrations to create one N-port calibration set
>> Propagate the power calibration
Perform operations on a local or remote VNA
The S97552B provides a tool to flexibly create and manage calibration sets for multiport measurements. For example, two calibration sets with independent test ports can be combined as one calibration set with a greater number of test ports. The software also offers a way to re-calibrate using a certain set of test ports to refresh the calibration set.
Cataloge Disty product 2020
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